Iyoli plant uses in zulu. It bears tiny leaves that do not last long.
Iyoli plant uses in zulu Indigenous Plant Taxa and Customs in Study Plants selected for this study include four indigenous plant taxa, observed or known to me to have been used in Zulu or Xhosa traditional purification or burial rites, or as incense or regarded as a Tree of Life. A taxon is of Least Concern when after being evaluated against the IUCN criteria, does not qualify for the categories Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable and Near Threatened, or the South African categories Critically Rare, Rare or Declining. The stem gives the word its meaning. Department of Biochemistry. Cucumis africanus, some plants of L. These are Lippia Oct 1, 2010 · Plant composition, pharmacological properties and mutagenic evaluation of a commercial Zulu herbal mixture: Imbiza ephuzwato October 2010 Journal of Ethnopharmacology 133(2):663-74 Intelezi is an African plant that most Zulu communities use to cleanse themselves and rid themselves of evil spirits in their homes or places of businesses. For example, the plant name umhlulambazo (what defeats the axe' tells us that this is a tree with hard, dense wood, and that usondelangange (come closer so I can embrace you) is a tree with large thorns that Agapanthus campanulatus is deciduous, growing in spring/summer and dormant during winter. Most English and Afrikaans names of plants are based on morphology and occasionally locality. Whilst many of the ethnobotanical texts (Van Wyk et al. Medicinal plants used to manage and treat childhood diseases were prepared in different ways depending on the plant species, or its part used and the ailments treated. DISCUSSION OF LIST OF MEDICINAL PLANTS A total number of 794 plant species with specific Jul 24, 2024 · The name Iyoli is often used as a Unisex name and is mostly used as a First Name. It an erect multi-stemmed perennial shrub of up to two metres in height and is widely distributed in Southern Africa. Click here to download the Azul Zulu Builds of OpenJDK for Java 8, 11, 17, 21, 23 for Linux, Windows and macOS. I use it on my 4 year old son too. P. 5 days ago · Why is Zulu Time Called Zulu Time? Zulu time is the military name for UTC and is used primarily in aviation, at sea, and in the army. ] Second most popular species in the medicinal trade in South Africa. , 2021), while This plant is used as an aphrodisiac (to stimulate sexual desire). Scientific names as used in medicinal source: Plant parts: SEPASAL Database (RBG, Kew, 1999) 39 Non-scientific name(s) associated with "iyoli": Appearance of plant 131 Use of plants in rites and rituals 219 Colouration 131 Other descriptions 134 The 'elephant's ear': Metaphors from the natural world 136 9 Names referring to the practical use of plants 221 Genitalia 138 The practical use of plants 221 Shape, size, texture 141 Names referring to practical uses 223 Maphipha umuthi is a term that refers to the traditional medicine of the Zulu people, one of the largest ethnic groups in South Africa. For example, the umhlonyane plant is often used to treat respiratory infections and fevers, while the isihlambezo plant is used to treat stomach ailments. Lo muthi izithelo zawo ziyakhanywa kwenziwe ngazo amafutha ikakhulukazi akaOyila okuthiwa ayakwazi ngisho nokuhambisa imoto . Leaves put on swellings to draw. siceraria produce bitter, poisonous fruits and others non-bitter, edible fruits). Responsibility Adrian Koopman. Knp_weediness: Declared weed as category 1, Prohibited weed. A good general-purpose fertilizer that contains both nitrogen and phosphorus will work well. (1996) and Ngwenya et al. U. The plant is used as a substitute for soap. Spring is the best season to sow seeds. However, seeds usually have low germination rates and viability. , 1996, Pujol, 1990, Van Wyk et al. Dec 18, 2019 · Nanku uMhlakuva obuye ubizwe ngoMhlafutho kwezinye izindawo . Umhlakuva plant in english is called castor oil plant. Jan 27, 2011 · Aim of the study: To compile and investigate the bioactivity and mutagenic effects of extracts of the 21 plant species used in the preparation of Imbiza ephuzwato herbal tonic. Jun 29, 2023 · 1) Imphepho (Helichrysum odoratissimum) - This plant is used in Zulu indigenous culture for spiritual purposes. Stapelia gigantea “Zulu Giant” has typical watering needs for a succulent. Sep 27, 2024 · 9" African queen plant pot, black woman bust, african american woman, Love Africa gift, zulu isicholo hat. Feb 27, 2025 · Stapelia gigantea Zulu Giant Starfish Demogorgon flower live plant cacti succulent toad plant ad vertisement by aynsleyshop Ad vertisement from shop aynsleyshop aynsleyshop From shop aynsleyshop $ 9. they have no stem). The roots are used to treat rheumatism and inflammation. . MS received: 1988. (1996) identified 1 032 plant species used in Zulu traditional medi-cine in KwaZulu [Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iYoli/Datura stramonium, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid. These plants are typically harvested and prepared with great care, often involving specific rituals and guidance from traditional healers known as Sep 25, 2022 · The zulu giant plant is not a demanding plant, but it does have some specific fertilizing requirements. ] Many plants in South Africa - whether indigenous or naturalised - have been used as natural skin care or organic cosmetics by indigenous peomore Kalahari Melon Oil Kalahari melon fruit is used by the San (Bushmen) people as a source of water, as well as a moisturiser and sunscreen. Artemisia afra is a highly aromatic plant known as 'wildeals' (Afrikaans); umhlonyane (Xhosa); umhlonyane (Zulu); lengana (Sotho). Very nice and thaks God 爐 #fbreelsfypシ゚viralvideo #thankyouforyoursupport #thankyouforwatchingmyreels #proudsinglemom #beautiful #GodBlessUsAllAlways Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Alkaloid extracts of the aerial parts are used to treat various forms of cancer such as breast and uterine cancer and Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Citation Bruneton, 1995). A lis t o f so me Zulu nam es Plants have tight internodal spacing with flowers extending from the base of the stock to the top. 99 Use a sharp, clean, cutting tool such as a saw, chisel or knife to cut off the sucker. Lengana is one of the most widely used traditional medicines in Southern Africa. The female cones are sessile on the plant (i. May 1, 2019 · An ethnobotanical survey at Amandawe in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa with 37 participants has revealed 110 new medicinal species records (ca. It may be used in different ways for different purposes. Zulu plant names. They are reported to be used in 59 species, of which the leaves are specifically used in 40 species. When to Plant Zulu Giant. The roots are used to treat malaria symptoms. Make a clean cut at the point of attachment of the sucker to the main plant. The main stem is green and hairy when young; year old branches often zigzag; the bark is reddish brown or roughly mottled grey, cracked into small rectangular blocks, revealing a red and stringy under-surface. afro girl headdress, benin bronze RedCoral3d 4 out of 5 stars Dec 15, 2006 · Exotic edible plants for which the English common names are in general use have been excluded. Plants are widely available from most nurseries and it is an ideal plant for water-wise rockeries or as large container plants in small gardens. It has glossy green or reddish palmate leaves with five-to-twelve deep lobes, unisex flowers with no petals, and fruits in a form of three-celled spiny capsules that contain seeds that are large, shiny, oval in shape, and mottled brown in colour. Some species of Crinum are used as blood purifiers. , 1996). Background There are many different kinds of plants that are used by traditional healers to heal diseases and there are some that people can use on their own without consulting a traditional healer. For a dense canopy plant approximately 20”-30” apart in the ground or in 2+ gallon pots. An ethnobotanical survey at Amandawe in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa with 37 participants has revealed 110 new medicinal species records (ca. The male and female cones are borne on separate plants and while both colourful, are quite different from each other otherwise. Deer and The blue-green dye from the leaves is used to decorate huts interiors. Large Stapelia gigantea/ Giant Stapelia Succulent Plant/ Zulu Giant / Carrion Flower Plant/ Toad Plant/ Cool Rare Exotic Succulent Plants! Shipped Bare Roots! Roots will be well protected for shipping of course. Lightly mist the soil once a day. The slender, glossy green or greyish-green strap-like leaves narrow to a distinct purplish stem-like base, and it produces 6-12 leaves per plant. The launch was held at Koopman’s home where he has many of the plants identified in the book growing in his garden. Univer sity of Zululand. As a precaution, especially to valuable species, apply fungicide, sulphur or a tree seal to the cut area, on both the sucker and the mother plant, to prevent disease and attacks by 2”, 4" Pot of Stapelia Gigantea Zulu Giant Starfish Plant Giant Toad Plant Succulent Plant - Shipped Bare Roots Nov 14, 2017 · Though Zulus still use throwing-spears, all warriors are required to carry the iklwa. Underground parts are used in 33 species, while woody parts are used in 10 species. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your Stapelia gigantea “Zulu Giant” plant is thriving and healthy. The irritant foam is then used as a medicine to reduce fever (Hutchings et al. cucullata is an orchid that grows up to 1 m in height. 15. The herbal tonic is manufactured by a Pietermaritzburg herbalist trading as ‘KwaNyanga Apr 1, 2019 · Hutchings et al. Purification procedures involving plants during rites of passage have been a widespread (As with other members of the Cucurbitaceae, e. Umlando; Umbono & Impokophelo Izinjongo & Izimisompilo Ezingumongo UKZN Emeritus Professor Adrian Koopman recently released a book titled Zulu Plant Names which details the complex relationship between plants, the isiZulu language and isiZulu culture. Leaves are long and wide and their bases wrap over to form a false stem, giving the plant a tall, erect appearance. It is an invasive plant with moderate impact on the ELSEVIER Journal of Ethnopharmacology 43 (1994) 89-124 Plants used for stress-related ailments in traditional Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho medicine. The leaves and roots are used to treat syphilis. It's best to use the “soak and dry” method, and allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Plants tall, 250-600 mm in height. ” The leaves and young shoots are the parts most often used medicinally. ) examine plant use independent of ethnic groups, several studies examined the ethnobotanical usage by specific ethnic groups. Jan 17, 2023 · Plant description. Schultes & Hofmann 1992). Plant closer if using smaller pots. File NU0039185 - iYoli and associated items. It was named by Hooker in 1880. , 1996; Mhlongo and Van Wyk, 2019); one was on ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in South Africa for control of sugar with some specific information on those related to Zulus (Cock et al. The tiny yellow flowers Jul 8, 1994 · Aqueous and ethanolic extracts of 39 plants used in traditional Zulu medicine to treat headache or inflammatory diseases were screened for prostaglandin-synthesis inhibitors. from lightning and snakes [51]. Plants used for charm and magic are also popular, Hutchings A. Part 1 Download PDF Plants of southern Africa: names and distribution. 2) Ubulawu (Silene capensis) - Ubulawu is a sacred plant used in Zulu indigenous culture for dream initiation and divination. cards that were transcribed from older paper labels): (iyoli) If eaten makes the person mad. Hutchings et al. , 2009; Von Koenen, 2001; Smith, 1888 etc. Kwadlangezw a 3886. The male plants however bear 1-6 cylindrical cones per crown. Also download Azul Platform Prime. afro woman headdress RedCoral3d 4 out of 5 stars This page outlines the Zulu names of plants and their uses in alphabetic order (A-to-Z). Leaves are tough and almost hairless. Stapelia gigantea has the largest flowers (up to 40 cm across) of any plant in our region and is one of the easiest stapeliads to grow. Zulu plant names do not just identify plants, they tell us much more about the plant, as well … Plants of southern Africa: names and distribution. Zulu formations are highly mobile and trained to It’s the only natural remedy I know which combats sores and infections inside the body almost immediately, trust me, you’ll never go wrong with it. al medicine markets have a higher probability of being used and traded (Williams et al. It is used traditionally to treat asthma, headaches and wounds. Hitchings, A. UMHLAWOKUFA abanye bawubiza kanjalo lomuthi uyinkunzi uNjalo ungena Ezintweni Eziningi Ngoba Ngisho Umuntu Ehlushwa iSatanist Ayalikhipha Iyodwa Lenkunzi Ngisho Uphakathi Kwabantu Abasatshwayo Isithunzi Asikuhaqi Kanti Abanye Bayathwala Ngawo. Tulbaghia alliacea L. The plant’s Zulu name, unwele, refers to its widespread use in traditional African medicine. ️ Add Origin ️ Add Your Meaning for Iyoli Sep 2, 2024 · 9" Black and gold African queen plant pot, female bust, african american girl, Love Africa gift, zulu isicholo hat. Apr 1, 2009 · Medicinal use. Zulu traditional medicine, known as Umuthi, is deeply rooted in the cultural and spiritual Dec 15, 1989 · A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. Sutherlandia has showy red-orange flowers that develop into inflated papery seed pods, commonly called “balloon peas. Bryant (1966 A preliminary inventory of plants used for psychoactive purposes in southern African healing traditions: Unspecified: 40: 26: Unspecified: Traditional healers: Interviews: Corrigan et al. The Zulu people have a deep knowledge of medicinal plants and their healing properties. After flowering, the flowerstalks should be cut back. UCT Ecolab Contributed by: USDA NRCS Plant Materials Program Uses Arrowleaf clover is suitable for hay, grazing, seed production, soil improvement, and wildlife. Apr 1, 2011 · The vernacular names and uses of 82 plant species were recorded and compared to published Zulu and Swazi knowledge. Its time is fixed at prime meridian: 0°(zero degrees) longitude; this position is the reason for its other names Z-Time and Zero Time. ] Apr 13, 2023 · This can include using a humidifier or placing the plant in a bathroom or kitchen where the humidity level is naturally higher. Jul 10, 2023 · The plant is used to make an infusion that is used to promote hair growth. The Zulu grind up the stem in water as an emetic in poisoning. Various medicinal uses of the leaves, fruit and seeds have been recorded from various countries, e. It is an invasive plant with moderate impact on the Answers for Round headed stick used in Anglo Zulu War of 1879 (10) crossword clue, 10 letters. As a Feb 4, 2025 · Common names include Zulu giant, carrion plant and toad plant. Global_weediness: . Iyoli is predominantly used in countries such as Mexico, Malaysia, and United States of America . All members of the genus are, however, considered capable of causing dermatitis. (2011) KZN: KwaNibela Peninsula, St Lucia: An ethnobotanical survey of plants used in the KwaNibela Peninsula, St Lucia, South Africa: Zulu and Swati: 2: 2 For example, ubobo is the isiZulu name for an indigenous splinter-bean (adenopodia spicata) used by traditional Zulu communities for medicinal purposes, but an invasive alien plant shrub, leucaena, is also called ubobo. elephantina is a perennial suffrutex (or low shrub) that grows in grassland habitats. 2 m tall from a cluster of thick, fleshy, fibrous roots. The need for the project was borne out of difficulties in educating Zulu-speaking communities about invasive alien plants. The plant is a heavy feeder and will benefit from being fertilized on a regular basis. Jun 1, 2011 · The focus was on plants used in treating respiratory infections. Find clues for Round headed stick used in Anglo Zulu War of 1879 (10) or most any crossword answer or clues for crossword answers. The list includes 164 indigenous and 39 names of exotic species. Publication Pietermaritzburg, South Africa : University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2015. Medicinal usage in the ptendophytes Read reviews from the world’s largest community for readers. Ziziphus mucronata is a small to medium-sized tree, 3-10(-20) m high; with a spreading canopy. Included: The Giant Stapelia pictured and videoed. The Intindili tree, or plant, is not a single, distinct species but rather a collective term used for various plants and herbs that are believed to possess the power to attract wealth and blessings. UCT Ecolab The plant is used as a protective charm to divert storms, and make dogs keen hunters. This inventory of nearly Zulu plant names and their uses have been extensively documented as many rural communities rely heavily on their environment for traditional medicines, food and building materials. Zulu plant names do not just identify plants, they tell us much more about the plant, as well … The blue-green dye from the leaves is used to decorate huts interiors. The plant is used as a diuretic. 925 pence per new Aromatic plants are used for respiratory or digestive The first written records of Xhosa and Zulu medicinal plant usage were published as early as 1885 (Smith 1895) and 1909 (Bryant 1966). Iyoli plant in english. Jul 9, 2023 · Zulu names: amabelejongosi, uhlamvu lwabafazi, umabelejongosi, undwendweni Other names: foxglove orchid Plant description: E. 2000). The plant is traditionally used in South Africa for the treatment of diabetes and rheumatism (Citation Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962). A quantitative ethnobotanical field study of Zulu and Swazi traditional plant use was conducted for the first time at eDumbe, KwaZulu-Natal and Mkhondo, Mpumalanga respectively, to compare the uses of indigenous plants for food, medicine, crafts and other applications among these two language groups. Nge-UKZN. Nov 14, 2017 · Though Zulus still use throwing-spears, all warriors are required to carry the iklwa. In 1869 he had described it as Aloe croucheri in Curtis's Botanical Journal stating, "This, the handsomest Gasteria of the kind that has hitherto flowered at Kew, is named after the intelligent foreman of the propagating department, Mr Croucher, under whose care the Zulu plant names do not just identify plants, they tell us much more about the plant, as well as how it is perceived or used in Zulu culture. f. It is crucial to maintain moderate to high humidity levels for the Stapelia gigantea “Zulu Giant” plant. Omunye umsebenzi walesi sihlahla wukuthi May 15, 2023 · The Board of Premier African Minerals Limited ("Premier" or the "Company") is pleased to announce a placing today to raise £1,759,500 before expenses at an issue price of 0. The zebra plant is propagated easily by removing offsets from the mother plant during the warmer months. It is one of the plants that is used in Zulu medicines and is easily available in the muthi markets in the Durban region. 31% of the total of 359 species), 560 newly recorded Zulu vernacular names and name variations (66% of the total of 859 names), 60 newly recorded praise names (88% of the total of 69) and 1106 new use-records (78% of the total of 1423 Jul 17, 2024 · 1 August 2024. afro girl headdress Cynthia Apr 17, 2024 Doesn't recommend this item Dec 15, 1989 · A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. 4 to 1 m tall. Nov 6, 2017 · The Zulu people use this plant in traditional medicine. DISCUSSION OF LIST OF MEDICINAL PLANTS A total number of 794 plant species with specific Oct 1, 2024 · A book and an article considered were based on ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in the Zulu region (Hutchings et al. as a pectoral, an anthelmintic, a purgative and even as a headache remedy. Expect a height of 2-4’ in a 2 gallon container. Some of the main topics discussed during the interviews were vernacular plant names, plant parts used, harvested amounts, preparation methods, dosage forms and quantities, use of plants in combination as well as the related symptomatic relief associated with respiratory infections. 1996. The propagation of the species by seeds also poses a challenge for many horticulturalists, as the fruit capsule bursts open when ripe and seeds are released into the atmosphere and then scattered over long distances by wind. The leaves are used to treat bone fractures in animals, gall sickness, blood scours in the calf, and of enteritis and indigestion in poultry. It is worth noting that Zulu iklwas and other weapons connected to the Anglo-Zulu war may likely precede the 1879 conflict by decades. Oct 17, 2024 · 17 October 2024. A muzzle is a device that is placed over the snout of an animal to keep it from biting or otherwise opening its mouth, to stop calves from drinking from [Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iYoli/Datura stramonium, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid. It needs warm sunlight and well-draining soil. g. This plant is easily grown from seed sown in summer (November-February)and by division of large clumps in the winter months. A stirred infusion is administered as an enema to induce trances and for nervous complaints. Zulu Giant Growing Conditions. (2003) itemise plant species used by the Zulu to treat viral respiratory diseases. The Zulus use it as a sedative in the treatment of epilepsy, hysteria, insomnia and acute psychosis. No similar Zulu uses could be found in the literature. Feb 20, 2024 · The roots are used to make an infusion that is taken to treat pain and headache. Private Bag X1001. Use of the cactus Echinopsis pachanoi dates back 3000 years (Schultes & Hofmann 1992), while some hold that the visionary The pattern may be clearly seen in African circumcision and healer graduation ceremonies where the candidates are required to live in the bush, away from their families, for a length of time before the ceremony, then to undergo various rites before incorporation into a recognised age or professional group. ” “My mom used to use the iboza leaves to cure a cold or to alleviate flu-like symptoms or mild fever by boiling the leaves in water and straining. Xhosa and Sotho usage of these plants is incorporated. May 1, 2011 · A total of 303 plant species are used medicinally (including 25 alien species), representing eight pteridophyte and 75 angiosperm families, of which the most important are Asteraceae, Fabaceae Common names: potato plant, roast potato plant (Eng); aartappelbos (Afr); intaba-yengwe, umchumelo (isiZulu); thethenya (xiTsonga) View other plants in this family View other plants in this genus Plant Attributes:. These may be mixed with some other plant species. The plant is used as a source of fibre for weaving bags, mats, ropes, and twines. Essential for daily conversations , this will help to build your Zulu language skills through popular words and play Zulu quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. A survey and analysis of traditional medicinal plants as used by the Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho Check out our zulu bust selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our art objects shops. com/plants-vocabulary/List of Plant Names in English. Physical description Zulu plant names do not just identify plants, they tell us a lot more about the plant, or how it is perceived or used in Zulu culture. 1990. Zulu nouns consists of two parts, namely, the prefix and stem (or root). Memoirs of the botanical Survey of South Africa No 62. In KwaZulu-Natal, mainly the Zulu people use the slender branches to make muzzles. Extracts were tested in an in vitro assay for cyclooxygenase inhibitors. (1996) created a focused account of medicinal plants commonly used in the Zulu nation, which was further elaborated by Van Wyk et al. Mar 6, 2022 · KwaZulu-Natal of South Africa, the plant is used by the Zulu people to protect themselves. Zulu Medicinal Plants, an inventory. The wood is Jun 9, 2022 · Step 3: Plant the stem cutting in a shallow clay pot filled with succulent soil mix combined with pumice, sand, or perlite. A herbaceous, perennial plant producing strongly branched stems up to 1. How to Plant Zulu Giant Nov 16, 2024 · 9" bronze colour African queen plant pot, black woman bust, african american woman, Love Africa gift, zulu isicholo hat. the standard with genuine examples, which can be used to compare with and authenticate similar weapons. When the bark is mixed with water, it produces a very irritant foam. Plants are ready for harvesting at four to six weeks at a height of between 15cm and 30cm, which is half their adult height. Maphipha umuthi is prepared from various plants and animals that have medicinal properties, such as roots, bark, leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, honey, insects, reptiles, and bones. Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. An Jan 3, 2024 · In general, a plant’s common name comes from one of three places: its morphology, its locality, or its use. The leaves are boiled in water and the decoction used on hides in preparation for tanning. Mar 1, 2021 · The type of plant species, ailments being treated, and plant parts used determined the method of preparation (Weckerle et al. 07. Plant parts used were not specified for 10 species. Dec 2, 2023 · Description: E. It has alternate, bipinnately compound leaves, yellow-white flowers, and fruits in the form of red-brown pods containing seeds that have a sweetish taste followed by a burning sensation. (2009) and especially by Mhlongo and Van Wyk Sep 15, 2015 · The leaves taste somewhat bitter and are harvested from young plants as imifino. It is a clump-forming perennial, growing 0. This plant needs an environment that is similar to most other types of succulents. Euphorbia clavarioides is a very hardy flat, dwarf Euphorbia that has a large, underground stem and tiny truncated stems above ground that form a huge, greenish-yellow cushion. The prefix occurs in two forms, the complete form (which includes an initial vowel) and the simple form (which contains no vowels). Origins and meanings of names of South African plant genera. The bark is used to treat hemorrhoids (Bryant, 1966), and powdered roots are used as dental anodynes (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962). This is a well-rooted plant! Plant Intelezi is a zulu word which refers to a mixture of selected herbs that are used for ukugeza (cleansing) and ukuchela( protection). It is widely used by African people as a protective charm to ward off lightning and evil influences from homes and crops and to bring luck in hunting. Helichrysum nudifolium makes a good pot plant, the striking leaves providing an interesting contrast. University of Natal Press: Pietermaritzburg. The 500 Year Archive is an experimental digital research tool Oct 9, 2024 · Post Series: Global Traditional Medicine SystemsIn order to spread awareness about the rich living herbal traditions from around the world, this post series is intended to introduce some of the characteristics of the herbal or traditional medicine systems to which plants belong. Premier African Minerals Limited Zulu Lithium Plant Update The Board of Premier African Minerals Limited ("Premier" or the "Company") is pleased to provide this update on the * Zulu Folk Medicine Research. Jan 1, 2007 · In South Africa and Zimbabwe, whole plant or leaves are burnt to repel mosquitoes [4,34,35,48,49,58]. e. toxicity and active chemical principles in the plants used is also beyond the scope of the paper. , 2018). Most Zulu names are based on use and morphology and occasionally locality. The plant is native to the desert regions of South Africa to Tanzania Watering. 1996; Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). It bears tiny leaves that do not last long. May 29, 2024 · One common traditional medicine used by the Zulu people is the use of herbal remedies. South_african_weediness: . The use of plants in divination has a long history. Then the green stems do the job of photosynthesis. ] Part of plant greeting Zulu in European capital - Crossword Clue, Answer and Explanation Second most popular species in the medicinal trade in South Africa. Jun 17, 2024 · The plant is used as a detergent, diuretics, emmenagogue, laxative, and insecticide. Jackson. Step 4: Place the pot in an area exposed to filtered sunlight. It is burned as incense during ceremonies and rituals to cleanse and purify the soul. These plants are used in divination, sorcery and ancestor worship, and have even been considered as “plant teachers” (Luna 1984). Roots are ingredients in decoctions used for the treatment of scrofula. The two study sites are only 80 km apart, with similar vegetation and plants species available Used for medicinal purposes and has toxic characteristics (Hutchings et al. A well cared for iklwa and Jatropha zeyheri can be propagated from seeds and stem cuttings. 2. The leaf sap is used to treat scurvy. Ricinus communis is a fast-growing deciduous small tree (or shrub) that grows up to 6 m in height. In the garden it can be used as a border plant or in a mixed border. This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present, augmented by Tony Cunningham's investigation of the medicinal plant trade in KwaZulu-Natal, material gathered in interviews with traditional healers, and Anne Hutchings's preliminary herbal history survey of hospital patients. ). The roots are used to treat abdominal disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, and gastrointestinal complaints. W. Medicinal usage in the ptendophytes 9 Zulu Summary 10 Ilabatheka 11 Ubulawu 12 Isiqunga 13 Ugum-tree 14 Unsukumbili 15 Inhlaba. Once rooted, use the “soak and dry” watering method. Because chilly and wet weather is fatal to Zulu Giant, it is best to plant them in the warm, dry months of summer. The plants of the genus Eriosema have several ethnomedical and ethnobotanical uses, besides treatment of infertility and related disorders. A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. Your Zulu Giant should start rooting after 14 days. intelezi is also used for izitha and ukudlala induku, some use intelezi as umuthi wenduku (muthi that is used in the stickfight). umhlakuva umuthi . Mar 1, 2020 · Blood purification practices, also referred to as blood cleansing or detoxification, is an ancient concept which is widespread amongst African traditi… The chief use of this tree is magical. The South Sotho name 'Mofifi' means 'darkness', and in Lesotho they say "darkness overcomes witchcraft". Petroleum ether (PE Feb 21, 2024 · Zulu names: intolwane, intolwane enkulu, ugweje, ugweje obovu, umdabu Other names: eland’s bean, eland’s wattle, elephant’s root (English) boswortel, eland’s-boontjie, leerbossie, looi ersboontjie, olifantswortel (Afrikaans) mupangara (Shona), mositsane (Sotho, Tswana) However, on Muller– Hilton agar, some Sample number 270 Table 1 Names of Zulu medicinal plants used in this study and their therapeutic uses Botanical name Voucher specimen number Zulu name Part used Claimed therapeutic uses Extract Cissus quadrangularis 1 AH and MG-K Isinwasi Root Burns, wounds, gastrointestinal complaints, backache, body Most species of Crinum have been recorded as been used medicinally by Africans. Parallel usage of some related plants in African and European herbal practice indicates that appropriate usage may be widely determined by easily discerned plant characteristics. In the former region of Transkei in the Eastern Cape, people in the rural areas use the plant as a love charm. It is easy to grow as a pot plant, and can be grown in interesting containers and miniature gardens. , 1997). During the war of tribes intelezi was used the most as a catalyst to win the battles. Gasteria croucheri was first collected and introduced into cultivation by Thomas Cooper in 1860. It is also used topically for scabies. FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials; FHYA collation of the Father Franz Mayr Collection * Zulu Folk Medicine Research. [Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iYoli/Datura stramonium, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid. Umhlabangula is often used to treat ailments such as stomach complaints, diarrhoea, rheumatism and inflammation. The leaves are usually basal, up to 200 mm long in matured plants, hairless; margin toothed with a very prominent cilia at the apex of the teeth; petiole up to 100 mm long, sheathing at the base. The female plants bear 1-5 ovoid cones, each 25-50 cm tall and 20-40cm in diameter. Used as an ornamental plant in the gardens. Likewise in Limpopo, African ginger is used as a pr eventive. 31% of the total of 359 species), 560 newly recorded Zulu vernacular names and name variations (66% of the total of 859 names), 60 newly recorded praise names (88% of the total of 69) and 1106 new use-records (78% of the total of 1423 The Zulu use unidentified species of Agapanthus for inducing visions (imibono) and dreams in South Africa (Nonkazimlo Podile, pers. For an example, after the death of a family member the Zulu people strongly believe in cleansing themselves within three months. The Xhosa take an infusion or a decoction of the root for colic and abdominal troubles and use the powdered root as a snuff to relieve headache. The holistic concept of Xhosa and Zulu traditional medicine and some differences from Western orthodox practice are briefly outlined. These include treatment of diarrhoea, orchitic, hydrophobia, detoxification, conjunctivitis, cough, emetic, and scabies. Deer and Read reviews from the world’s largest community for readers. National Botanical Institute: Pretoria. In South Africa and Zimbabwe, L. Parts of plants used Aerial parts (excluding woody parts) are most commonly used. The transmission of herbal knowledge within various social groups is outlined. The Back. Premier African Minerals Limited Zulu Lithium Plant Update Premier African Minerals Limited ("Premier" or the "Company") is pleased to provide a further update on the commissioning Jan 27, 2011 · Imbiza ephuzwato is a traditional herbal tonic made of a mixture of extracts of roots, bulbs, rhizomes and leaves of 21 medicinal plants that have been used by the Zulu communities for decades (Hutchings et al. A comprehensive inventory of over 1,000 medicinal plants used by the Zulu people of southern Africa, based on a survey of the literature dating from the late 19th century to the present and augmented by data from Anthony Cunningham's investigation of the medicinal plant trade in KwaZulu-Natal; material gathered in interviews with Zulu and Xhosa healers; and a recent preliminary herbal history Dec 15, 1989 · Leaf infusions are taken as tea or administered as enemas or emetics for febrile complaints (Brayant 1966, Gerstner 1939. Transcription: [Source - Kathrine Garrun for FHYA, 2017, using University of Natal Herbarium catalogue card (NU cat. Widespread from the coast to the interior of southern Africa. [wild garlic] Unspecified groups administer rhizome infusions as enemas for fits in the Transkei, South Africa (Hutchings et al. The number of taxa included in the database may be a conservative reflection of the actual number of bark species used medicinally in KwaZulu-Natal. comm. Phyllanthus reticulatus is listed on the Red List of South African plants 2009 as of Least Concern. Make sure the container has adequate drainage. For example, the plant name umhlulambazo ('what defeats the axe') tells us that this is a tree with hard, dense wood, and that usondelangange ('come closer so I can embrace you') is a tree with large thorns that snags the passer-by. Their standard tactic is to close to hand-to-hand killing range and then use a combination of punching with cow-hide shield, clubbing with wooden knobkerrie, and stabbing with iklwa to overpower the enemy. The Zulu word 'isidikwa ' means 'drunkard', referring to the reported effects that it may have. Materials and methods: The 21 plant species used to make Imbiza ephuzwato herbal mixture were each investigated for their pharmacological properties. javanica is widely used to get rid of ticks and other Helichrysum platypterum can be used in the cut-flower industry like others in the genus. The plant is also used to treat coughs, colds and influenza ( Watt Intelezi is a zulu word which refers to a mixture of selected herbs that are used for ukugeza (cleansing) and ukuchela( protection). Zulu formations are highly mobile and trained to Contributed by: USDA NRCS Plant Materials Program Uses Arrowleaf clover is suitable for hay, grazing, seed production, soil improvement, and wildlife. Learn common Zulu vocabulary with this English-to-Zulu list of Plant names. Medicines for skin disorders, toothache, wounds, worms, chest and throat Jul 8, 1994 · 7. susbkgr evzzcdo kaljj vyzhr qinwa uzxkbvc oqeotq hyzrx mjdd job qfyd rwbga pmkh utcojn ecja